Letter to Editor

Namaskar Mahesh Ji,
30th edition of e-Journal brings new perspective, towards organ donation drive. It highlights that we need to change / adapt ourselves to the changing environment. We do adopt new Practices in our work-life, then why do we still continue to carry the old misbeliefs when it comes to organ donation. A thought worth brain-storming !!
Articles on World Disability Day and Specially Challenged, reflects Samiti's committment towards healthy and able society. Commendable !!
An article on Cadaveric Oath, is a salute to the Ultimate Teacher (a Cadaver). It is a way via which sentiments of medical students are also nurtured. Must-establish ritual !!
A celebration of Dehdaani's @ Vigyan Bhavan and address by our honorable Vice President, is the reflection of efforts being acknowledged and in fact applauded by larger section of the society. Much Appreciated !!
Geeta Ahuja,
an IT Professional and dedicated volunteer of DDDS