Samiti Stall in Gurdwara, B-Block, Kalkaji - 2-4 September 2016 
Sardar Jagmohan Singh ji arranged for the stall of the Samiti in the Gurdwara, B-Block, Kalkaji during Akhand Paath on 2-4 September 2016. The stall was manned by Sh. Kamal Khurana, Sh. Deepak Goel, Dr.Vinayak, Dr. Smriti, Mrs. & Mr. Kapil, Ms. Manju Prabha, Sh. Shrichand Agrawal by taking turns from 8 to 12 AM and 5 to 8 PM on these days. Last year also Samiti had put its stall during annual program of the Gurdwara and most of the visitors being local persons were already aware of the purpose and activities of the Samiti. Still about 40-50 persons visited the stall for information and collected the forms.
Blood Donation Camp at 1-Motilal Nehru Marg - 2 September 2016
Uday India organised a blood donation camp on Sept 2 and Shri Deepak Kumar Rath approached us for the stall of the Samiti for spreading awareness on organ/body donation. The stall of the samiti was manned by Sh. Kamal Khurana, Sh. Deepak Goel, Sh. Yogendra Agrawal, Ms. Manju Prabha, Sh. Mahesh from 9 AM to 4 PM to spread awareness about the purpose and activities of the Samiti. Shri Deepak Rathji assured support to the activities of Samiti and he was thanked for providing the opportunity to us.
Venu Eye & Research Centre – 8 September 2016
Shri Sudhir Gupta , Vice President- Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti was facilitated by Venu Eye & Research Centre and Rotary Club for his dedication and services to the mankind.
Awareness Program in Saraswati Shishu Mandir, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi - 21st September 2016
Dr. Shrichand Agrawal, retired Principal, Saraswati Bal Mandir, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi is now associated as volunteer with Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti. He arranged an awareness meeting about body/organ donation activities of Samiti in the school on 21st September 2016 at 1230 hours. Sh. Deepak Goel, Co Convener, South Delhi is also acquainted with most of the staff of the school was also present.
Sh. Priyadarshan Tripathi, Physical Training Co-ordinator for Senior Secondary classes, welcomed the participants and outlined the importance of body/organ donation. Sh. Kamal Khurana, Convener, South Delhi addressed the gathering of about 150 teachers and administrative staff of the school. He explained the concepts including practical aspects of body/organ donation as also the activities of the Samiti. Jan Sandesh video of the Samiti was then shown to the participants.
The information brochure of the Samiti was distributed to the participants with request to fill the forms pledging donation after discussion in their families. Ms. Bela Mishra and Ms. Bina Goyal, vice principals of the school thanked the Samiti members for sharing the valuable information about this noble cause and the members in turn thanked the school management for providing the opportunity.
गोवा की राज्यपाल श्रीमती मृदुला सिन्हा से शिष्टाचार मुलाकात - 26 सितम्बर 2016
श्री अजय भाटिया ने 26 सितम्बर, 2016 को गोवा की राज्यपाल श्रीमती मृदुला सिन्हा से शिष्टाचार मुलाकात की। यह मुलाकात गोवा राजभवन में हुई। श्री भाटिया ने राज्यपाल को दधीचि देह दान समिति के कार्यों की विस्तृत जानकारी दी। राज्यपाल ने कहा कि वह समिति और उसके अध्यक्ष श्री आलोक कुमार के बारे में जानती हैं। साथ ही उन्होंने समिति को अपनी शुभकामनाएं भी दीं।
Astha Charitable Trust Event In M.p.s Club, North Avenue - 1st October 2016
Inaugural Ceremony of Ashta Charitable Trust with First Social Seminar on ‘International Old Age Day’ was organised on 1st October 2016 in M.P.s Club, North Avenue, New Delhi from 3:30 pm to 7 pm. A counter of Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti was set up there during this event. Sh. Krishan Pal Gujjar, Hon’ble MoS was the chief Guest. Sh. Shyam Jaju, National V.P. BJP, Sh. Mahesh Giri, MP, Sh. Udit Raj, MP, Sh, Pravesh Verma, MP, Sh. Mange Ram Garg , Sh. Mahesh Sharma, Ex Mayor also graced the occasion.
Mr. Anand Sahu, VP, Astha Charitable Trust acknowledged presence of stall of Samiti from the dias. Sh. Mahesh Giri, MP also praised Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti while addressing the elite gathering. Sh. Kamal Khurana addressed the gathering. He spoke of the importance of Body-Organ donation and activities of the Samiti. The information brochures of the Samiti were distributed to all participants. The stall of the Samiti was manned by Sh. Jayanta Kumar Gupta and Adv. Sachin.
दधीचि देह दान समिति स्टाॅल, राजेन्द्र नगर – 2 अक्टूबर 2016 
राजेन्द्र नगर में सिंधी समाज ने 2 अक्टूबर 2016 को एक आयोजन किया, जिसमें वरिष्ठ नागरिकों का सम्मान किया गया। इस मौके पर दधीचि देह दान समिति ने भी अपना एक स्टाॅल लगाया और श्री अजय भाटिया ने समिति की ओर से विचार व्यक्त किए। आयोजन में आए लगभग 200 लोग समिति के कार्यों के से काफी प्रभावित हुए। अनेक लोग समिति के स्टाॅल पर आए। उन्होंने देह दान/अंग दान के प्रक्रिया के बारे में जानकारी ली तथा 9 लोगों ने देह दान/अंग दान की वसीयत के लिए समिति से फाॅर्म भी लिए।
Bhajan Sandhya - 2nd October 2016
Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti participated in the Bhajan Sandhya programme organised by Shri Radha Nishkam Sewa Samiti. Stall of samiti was visited by over 100 people who had their queries satisfied by Sh.Vishwas Shukla, Sh. Uttkarsh Gaur, Sh. Yogendra Agarwal and Sh. Anil Verma.
Sewa Bharati – 2nd October 2016
Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti was invited by Sewa Bharati to put the stall in their event Sewa Sangam at NDMC convention centre, Jantar Mantar. More than 100 forms were distributed by Ms.Babita Malhotra, Ms. Poonam Khurana, Sh. Sagar Chandel and Sh. Yogendra Agarwal
Indian Medical Association ( IMA ) – East Delhi - 2nd October 2016
IMA East Delhi launched Organ & Body donation programme on 2nd October in association with Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti and NOTTO. Venue was HotelLeela Ambience,Surajmal Vihar. Dr. Anil Goyal, organising chairman was the motivating force in the launch of this noble programme.
Shri Harsh Malhotra, General Secretary of samiti was the main speaker. He gave detailed report of working of samiti, challenges faced and how it overcame them. More than 600 eminent people ( most of them docters and their families) heard him in rapt attention. Sh. Sudhir Gupta, Sh. Narender Sant and Sh. Mahesh were also present.