An Insight in Views & Challenges Related to Body Donation Faced By Students of Dr. B R Sur Homeopathic Med. College

At President House on 9/11/2017 President of India had lauded the role of Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti. It was indeed a proud moment for us at Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti to further our work with enthusiasm and this time we planned an informal discussion with students of Dr. B R Sur Homeopathic Medical College to understand their views & challenges pertaining organ donation. The Samiti could reach out the college through the efforts put forth by Asstt. Professor of Surgery Dr. Archna Narang.
Dr. Archna Narang shared anxiously that while having a class of surgery for professional IInd students, she asked her students regarding the location and shape of fallopian tubes. She was astonished to find that the students were unable to answer her. She asks, why you can’t describe, what you have learnt during your anatomy dissection classes? After a pause ,She was touched, to listen from the students, “Madam we had not studied on a female body. We studied on a male cadaver.” This answer stunned Dr. Narang. She learnt that it was only with lot of efforts by Dr Prabeer Manna , the Anatomy Teacher, students got the sole cadaver for dissection. She was trying to imagine how this batch will understand the female anatomy for surgery curriculum.
She consulted with the Principal of the college Dr Mukesh Chawla and invited Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti to her college. A team of volunteers comprising of Dr.Sheetal Joshi , Associate Prof. Anatomy ,Lady Harding medical college, Dr.Smriti Sharma- Secretary, Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti , and Dr.Vishal Chadha – Vice Prsident,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti visted the campus. Students were curious to meet us. Five of us ( Three Dadhichi Volunteers , Dr Archana Narang , and Dr Prabeer Manna), after a formal introduction, enquired regarding the experience of the batch during their study on cadaver.
Dr. Joshi then set an interaction regarding Atcom module of MCI which lays significant stress on attitudinal skills in budding doctors. An important module introduced is 'Cadaver - as a teacher ' which is an effort to inculcate ethical behaviors and regards in young doctors through dissection hall mannerism.
Three- four students expressed their desire to pledge their bodies for donation after death to medical college. Few had some religious myth. They shared their agony that they couldn’t learn on the female cadaver as the department couldn’t procure the same. As the discussion progressed, they expressed their desire to work for the cause of Body Donation & Organ Donation. They were keen to go to the anatomy class again to study the female cadaver. These young Ambassadors of Life along with Dr Narang resolved to take up the cause of cadaver donation and organ donation, which is the need of the hour.
The discussion evolved in to a good sensitisation session. They were sensitised about various methods to bestow respect on the bequest received and were urged to follow and help younger batches to follow protocol , in order to honour the silent teacher - the body donor, by Dr Joshi who has successfully implemented these in her Department.
The students carefully listened to the experience of Dr Smriti, who narrated her memories of being a witness and executor of the body donation of her father around sixteen year back.
Dr Archna Narang shared her own experiences of motivating her family to be an executor for her pledge to donate her body after death to the medical college.
Dr Vishal being an alumnus of the college could empathise with the pain of not having studied on cadaver during my college days. It strengthen our resolve at Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti to work relentlessly, to make more people pledge and donate their bodies, to achieve the due number of cadavers to each medical college as per curricullam.
We on behalf of Samiti appretiate Dr. Archna Narang for this selfless initiative. We also appreciate the efforts of Dr Manna for his students. We sincerely thank Dr Mukesh Chawla for iniviting us to interact with the faculty and students.
An Insight by
Dr Sheetal Joshi
Dr Smriti Sharma
Dr Vishal Chadha