Hola Mohalla, Municipal Auditorium, Faridabad 
ChardiKla Nishkam Sewak Trust, Faridabad organised HOLA MOHALLA program on the day of HOLI on Monday, the 13th March 2017 at Municipal Auditoriun, (Near Dushehra Ground), Faridabad attended by about 800 people. The counter of Samiti in this event was manned from 7am to 5.00pm by Sh. D.K. Verma, Sh. Kamal Khurana, Sardar Surjeet Singh, Smt. & Sh. Deepak Goel. About 70 persons made enquiries about eye/organ/body donation and about 40 forms were given. Twenty one forms duly filled were received while others will be contacted later for filling up forms.
The program started with Gurbani kirtan. Various sikh religious leaders addressed the sangat and school students of schools presented cultural program. Sardar Surender Singh of ChardiKla trust informed the audience about our counter 2-3 times from the stage and appealed to the audience to take pledge of donation. We were invited to dias and Dr.Sukhpreet Singh ji gave us 17 forms duly got filled by organising trust. He also presented an honour plaque for humanitarian services by the Samiti. Sh. Kamal Khurana addressed the sangat about the working of the samiti signifying the importance of body/organ/eye donation and appealed them to take pledge for donation. He thanked the Trust for giving Samiti the opportunity for spreading awareness.
Organ Donam, an initiative on body and organ donation, UCMS
Organ Donam, a sensitization and awareness initiative on body donation and organ donation by the final Year students of the University College of medical sciences, Delhi, under the agesis of NOTTO.
On 23-03-2017, during the annual fest of the UCMS college, this young brigade of Neo Physicians took a Giant leap into the cause of Organ and Body Donation. While fest of other colleges are marked by plays, dances and music these tender hearts showcased their Samskaars to serve the Nation. They organized a symposium on organ donation awareness. They took a voluntary pledge to be the ambassadors of the cause. Leading by the example they took their Teachers along in this spiritual pursuit.
The symposium started with the Deep-Prajawalan followed by Sarswati Vandana. Dr V P Gupta, Principal- UCMS, an Eye Surgeon, sensitized on the issue of organ and body donation. During his power point presentation on the subject he enlightened the audience on cadaver donation, its utilities in graduation, post graduation and research curriculum in making the righteous experts in particular specialty. He explained how cadaver donation helps in the development of implants and equipment. Cadavers are backbone of all next generation medical researches. As a Principal and a Physician, numerous times he applauded the focused and the sustained efforts of Dadhich Dan Samiti for its contribution in providing the cadavers for these essential trainings. As a teacher he also briefed on eye donation and other donations at length.
Dr. Nitin Aggarwal , Kidney Transplant Surgeon, RML Hospital apprised on the need and demand of the Kidneys for donations. He urged the audiences to spread the message for organ donation. He made an impressive appeal to the youth to be the front runner in this drive to take the message to the masses. As a transplant surgeon he reiterated the need for training on cadavers as “vascular surgeon there is Zero tolerance or scope for error, so cadavers training is the key to success. Dr Renu Chauhan , Head Anatomy, UCMS, blessed her students for this Noble initiative. She emphasized on the importance and need for a Hands-on training on a cadaver. “Overwhelmed by the proceedings during the symposium an emotional teacher pledged her whole body for the Donation” and a announced that she will continue to teach anatomy even after her death- , She reminded the students that Cadaver is the first teacher for a medical student. She appealed to the medical fraternity that each Doctor should be indebted to the first teacher for the knowledge and success one acquires during the carrier as a physician. She thanked Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti from the bottom of her heart for all the support the college gets in teaching aids.
Dr. Vishal Chaddha, Vice President Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti presented the role of the Samiti as a bridge between the donor and the recipient i.e medical college or transplant hospital. He also spoke on the role of Samiti in sensitizing, motivating, coordinating, felicitating the families and executing the Body and Organ donations. He explained how the efforts of the volunteers of the samiti have strengthened the bridge between the donors and the stakeholders to raise the execution rates in donations. He showcased the different channels of sensitization the samiti explores to reach out to the masses on a self-sustained model. He also shared the vision of the President of the Samiti, Shri Alok Kumar to abolish the waiting list in Delhi NCR for Corneal Transplant. He also tried to showcase the unprecedented support samiti gets in all its endeavors in this holy pursuit.
Last but not the least, its time to cherish the efforts of the Innovator and the main Sutradhar of the Organ Donam, Abhishekh Garg and his team, a final year student, who innovated this brilliant idea to take this initiative and brought all the stakeholders on one platform. The efforts of his team of students and the support he got from the faculty is really commendable. They deserves a round of applause from their peer group and the public at large, the real beneficiary of this moment. These young turks also raised slogans as their peer group generally do these days. They chanted the slogan to seek AZADI from the waiting list for the transplantation for different organs.
भारत विकास परिषद् के नवसंवत कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्ट
भारत विकास परिषद् ने 1 अप्रैल 2017 को हुडा कन्वेंशन सेंटर , फरीदाबाद में नवसंवत और दायित्व ग्रहण समारोह का आयोजन शाम 6 से 9 बजे तक किया| कार्यक्रम में प्रधान सचिव,शहरी एवं निकाय विभाग, हरियाणा सरकार आनन्द मोहन शरण, मुख्य संसदीय सचिव सीमा त्रिखा, महापौर सुमन बाला, उपमहापौर मनमोहन गर्ग, पार्षद धनेश अदलखा, आई आर एस नितिन अग्रवाल, आदि मौजूद रहे| कार्यक्रम में राष्ट्रप्रेम के गीतों और ईश वंदना से बच्चों ने मंत्रमुग्ध किया| परिषद् के नव निर्वाचित पदाधिकारियों ने शपथ ग्रहण की|
कार्यक्रम में फरीदाबाद संयोजक राजीव गोयल ने दधीचि देहदान समिति के क्रिया कलापों और देह-अंग दान से जुड़ी जानकारियां मंच से एक प्रेजेंटेशन द्वारा सभा में उपस्थित करीब ३०० श्रोताओं को दीं| समिति का एक काउंटर भी लगाया गया जिससे करीब तीस लोगों ने फार्म और जानकारियां श्रीमती मंजू प्रभा, डा. इन्दू गुप्ता, श्री दीपक गोयल, और श्री श्रीचंद अग्रवाल जी से लीं|
भारत विकास परिषद् द्वारा आयोजित रक्तदान शिविर में दधीचि स्टाल की रिपोर्ट
भारत विकास परिषद् द्वारा रविवार दिनांक 23 अप्रैल 2017 को क्राउन इंटीरियर्स मॉल में आयोजित रक्तदान शिविर में दधीचि देहदान समिति का स्टाल भी देहदान – अंगदान जागरूकता के लिए सुबह 10:30 से शाम 4:30 तक लगाया गया| 71 लोगों ने इसमें रक्तदान किया जो रोटरी ब्लड बैंक और बी.के. अस्पताल में दिया गया| परिषद् की ओर से श्री अशोक गोयल, श्री सुनील गर्ग, सुश्री प्रतिभा तिवारी, आदि ने कार्यक्रम में सभी व्यस्थाएं सुचारू रूप से चलायीं|
मॉल में आ-जा रहे अनेकों लोगों ने हमारे बैनर आदि पढ़े| देह-अंग दान के बारे में करीब 10 लोगों ने हमारे स्टाल से जानकारियां लीं और फॉर्म लिए| 3 फॉर्म भरे हुए तभी मिल गए| स्टाल पर राजीव गोयल और नरेन्द्र बंसल जी ने समय दिया| स्टाल के फोटो ईमेल से भेज दिए गए हैं|