Executive Committee Meeting of Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti
Executive committee meeting was held on 6.09.2015 at Diwan Chand Trust Hall, Hanuman Mandir Lane, New Delhi.
The meeting was attended by 47 members. Shri Alok Kumar, President of the Samiti presided over the meeting. The proceedings were conducted by Shri Harsh Malhotra, General Secretary of the Samiti. Shri Vijay Sharma, former organizing secretary, BJP, Delhi Pradesh and a senior RSS member was guest of honour.
Meeting started with the chanting of mantra by Ms Meena Thakur.
ओम् तच्चक्षुद्रे्र्रवहितम् पुरस्ताच्छुक्रमुच्चरत्!
पश्येम शरदः शतम्
जीवेम शरदः शतम्
श्रृएाुयाम शरटः शतम्
प्रब्रवाम शरदः शतम्
अदीनाः स्याम शरदः शतम्
भूयश्च शरदः शतात्! ओम् शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः!
Shri Harsh Malhotra welcomed the members and invited Shri Alok Kumar to speak.
Shri Alok Kumar with the help of power point presentation outlined the following points marked for the meeting.
- Assesement of Samiti’s work since last general body meeting.
- Dadhichi katha programme on 20.09.2015.
- Next Dadhichi Darshan Yatra
- Publication of Journal and assesement of e journal.
- Any other topic for discussion.
Shri Alok Kumar expressed satisfaction on the working of Samiti. He said that in the last Executive Meeting held on 17.01.2015 it was decided that Samiti shall organize a Dadhichi Katha every year o Dadhichi Jayanti. He said the proud moment has come. Samiti is organizing a Katha on Dadhichi in a very large scale on 20. 09. 2015 at NDMC convention Centre.
In order to understand the concept and management requirements a 5 minute video clip of Bhai Ajay ji was shown to the members. Afterwards the efforts required were dewelled upon and he asked for any suggestions from the members present. The work allocation was also discussed Invitation cards were given as per the requirement of members.
Shri Harsh Malhotra, Shri Pramod Agarwal and Shri Suman Gupta were declared the conveners of the katha programme.
Shri Alok Kumar expressed satisfaction that Samiti’s branches were working in a very pro-active manner. Faridabad unit has held 2 meetings and the response has been very positive. North Delhi unit has been very active and has held programme in Model Town. In West Delhi around 50 forms were distributed in Hari Nagar and Subhash Nagar RWA’s. South Delhi unit organized a programme in a Gurudwara in Kalkaji. Ghaziabad unit organized a programme on cenetary celebrations of Guruji and 125 forms were filled.Mr. Mahesh represented Samiti in a 3 day programme organized by NOTTO on organ donation.
Shri Pramod Agarwal gave a detailed report on the Dadhichi Darshan Yatra and with the help of PPT of previous yatra he spoke about the 2nd yatra on 21.11. 2015. He also informed that Dr. Kirtivardhan Sahni and Shri Harsh Malhotra will go and address a press conference before yatra.
Dr. Kirtivardhan Sahni presented the itinerary of second Dadhichi Darshan Yatra and spoke of overwhelming response for the same. He informed that 44 persons have expressed their intention for the total 35 seats available.
Mr. Mahesh presented a report on the publication of print version of journal and assessment of e journal. He infrmed that an experimental issue of journal has been printed. This was given to every member for their views. He said Samiti is trying its best to print the journal on regular basis. Members were asked to facilitate advertisements to cover the financial cost. Many members promised to try their best in getting advertisements.
Afterwards a report on e journal was presented to the revered members. They were informed that the editorial committee has also started in house production. Previous e journal had interviews of Dr. Saudan Singh, Director NOTTO and Shri Suman Gupta, President of society which runs the Nigam Bodh Ghat. Also, members were urged to contribute by means of articles, news etc.
Shri Sudhir Gupta gave a detailed report on the executions of Body and Eye donation executed in the last 2 months.
Shri Vijay Sharma said that he is very impressed with the motive of samiti. Dedication of members of the samiti made him very emotional and he thanked Shri Alok Kumar for inviting him in the meeting. He said that he shall be working very closely with the samiti and
and promised to work wholeheartedly for the Dadhichi Katha programme.
Shri Harsh Malhotra, General Secretary of the Samiti thanked the members for participating in the meeting. He also thanked the Diwan Chand Trust for providing their hall infrastructure and lunch for the meeting.