Youth and Organ Donation
Tilak Vij

Though there is a wide spread public support for the concept of organ donations in the country, the actual rate of donations is very low. This results in more and more deaths from life threatening illnesses. Therefore, it has become essential to devise newer concepts and finding ways to encourage people to come forward for donating organs and tissues for the patients whose lives can be saved only with the process organ transplant.
Organ donation involves the removal of tissue from one person’s body to allow the transplantation of that tissue into another person’s body. Whole organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, and kidneys can be donated, as well as section of tissue such as heart valves, corneas, tendons and skin organs and tissues are usually removed from people who have recently died. Because organs from transplantation need to be removed soon after death, very few people die in a way that enables them to donate organs. Though, kidneys and parts of the liver and pancreas may also be removed for transplantation from living donors. The removal of organs and tissues is a surgical procedure that takes place in a hospital operating theatre. Organ transplantation is an effective procedure for those people who are facing the possibility of organ failure, leading to debility or death.
The power of youth can play an important role about the whole process of organ donation to transplantation to the needy patients. Youth being about sixty percent of population in our country, can generate awareness about the life saving aspects of organ transplantation. Success of this holistic social movement depends on the power of ‘y’, the youth who are instrumentally opinion makers.
Organ and tissue transplants provide the possibility of new life and improved health and well being. However the number of patients who die due to lack of donated organs is increasing day by day. The main cause of this parabox is inadequate social behavior regarding organ donations, both in life and after death. Education at all levels of society may offer the possibility of improving this critical situation. Youth can involve themselves with the need to focus education at an early age, starting with primary school and intensifying at the university level especially in medical sciences. Youth can help evolve topics on donation and transplants in curricular programs.
Donation of organs and tissues is an act of human solidarity. Youth can undertake this humane movement keeping in view all the aspects of human dignity. Wishes of the deceased, where known, should be respected.
Convincing power of youth can educate the general public that precedence should be given to the needs of the potential donor and the family over the interest to the priority of organ procurement.
Youth can also be trained to take care of needs of all those directly involved, including recipients after post transplantation, families, careers and health professionals.
Young teams of volunteers can develop a fruitful working environment amongst the families of donors and recipients and the medical force at the operation theater where organ transplant is being conducted.
References:National Clinical Taskforce on Organ and Tissue Donation. Yvette Brazier.