Conference on Organs-Tissue Donations
To commemorate National Organs Donation Day the National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) organized a one day conference of all the State Health Secretaries, Directors of Health Services and other stake-holders in the cause of Organs-Tissue Donations.
Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti (DDDS) was invited to participate in the conference. Shri Alok Kumar, President DDDS addressed the conference on ‘The Role of Religious Leaders and Elected Representatives in the cause of Organs-Tissue Donations’.
It was very useful session where he emphasized that it is true that religious orthodoxy prevents people from donating their Body-Organs. However, it is equally true that religion when properly applied can be the most effective motivating factor for such donations.All major faiths support body/organ donation. Many even actively promote it.Maybe within there are different thought on donation, but all accept it down to individual choice. He referred to the video messages of Revered Sri Sri Ravishankar, Pujya Morari Bapu and Didi Maa Sadhvi Ritambhara in this regard .
Transplant Co-ordinator’ Training programme
A Transplant Co-ordinator’ Training programme was organised by Mohan Foundation at Fortis Hospital,Gurgaon from April 7-11,2015. Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti was invited and Mr. Mahesh Pant represented the Samiti and addressed one session on 9th April. He spoke on working of samiti and its success in promoting Body/Organ donation in NCR region. How samiti overcame the resistance from certain section of society due to old beliefs and today the samiti has more than 4000 members who have pledged their body/organs in the cause of humanity.
He also addressed the queries from the participants. Participants really appreciated the session.