Letter to the Editor
Dear Sh. Alok Ji,
Life is precious, too precious to be lost to an organ failure. But millions of people actually lose their lives every year because a vital organ fails to function in their body. On the other hand, it is quite unfortunate that due to religious and old conceptions, hundreds of thousands of healthy organs are buried every year, burnt on funeral pyres or otherwise destroyed as critically ill patients continue to hang on to life, praying for a miracle.
Changing the mindset of the society is the biggest challenge. It is the need to understand that organ donation is indeed an unique and the most selfless opportunity to help and give new life to thousands of people waiting for organ or tissue transplantation.
Over the years, medical science has evolved tremendously and in today’s times, Cadaveric Organ Transplantation is being carried out routinely in many centres across India. This programme has been very beneficial for those patients who had lost all hope of complete recovery. However, the incidence of patients seeking organ donation is increasing every day due to huge burden of chronic organ failures. This demand can only be met by Cadaveric Organ Donation Programmes.
It is indeed very credible that Dadhichi Dehdan Samiti is playing a very important role in serving the humanity by encouraging people to donate organs after their death. This will go a long way in spreading awareness about organ donation and saving precious lives.
It is my privilege to be associated with this esteem organization which has been working with absolute passion and commitment in delivering services, developing policies and promoting organ/tissue donation over the years. I wish them all luck for future in working towards alleviating the great human suffering and making death as meaningful as life.
Dr. Vinay Aggarwal
Chairman & Managing Director, Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital
Member, Medical Council of India
Vice President, Delhi Medical Council
Imm. Past President, CMAAO
Past National President, Indian Medical Association